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Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Network Marketing and the Phlegmatic

Network Marketing is a relationship business.

Doesn’t it make sense to know people?

How to spot a person’s personality within 2 min.

People fall asleep when we say “phlegmatic, sanguine, melancholy and choleric”. But we understand colors. So a Phlegmatic personality is yellow, Sanguine is blue, Melancholy is green and Choleric is red.

THE YELLOW” Who are they?

They are the introvert, shy relaxed person who is content and kind. They are peaceful, gentle, friendly and are a good listener. They live a consistent life, care about people and are supportive of others. Because of their calm, easy going and low key personality they can function quite well in a hostile social setting. Nothing “ruffles their feathers.” They are calm, cool and collected. Yellows make up 35% of population. They are nurtures and give from their heart. They don’t have time for themselves, because they give to everybody!

How to talk to a YELLOW.
Become a yellow. Slow the pace. Contain your excitement. Lower the volume. Yellow see excitement as hype, you trying to sell them. Don’t tell a Yellow about making $10,000 a month, because they’ll turn right off. Yellows don’t want to be sold. They don’t like pushy, aggressive salespeople. Instead, visit with them. Skip the business. Talk about their family, their kids, their vacation. The yellow are slow in making decisions and perhaps overcautious in minor matters.

Why you want YELLOWS in Network marketing.

Yellows have built some of the largest organizations on network marketing…WHEN they have the belief they can do it. Yellows are competent and steady. The have administrative ability and work well under pressure. They strive for peace and avoid conflict. They are easy to get along with and have many friends and are pleasant and enjoyable to be around.

Motto: Let’s be FRIENDS!
Occupation: Teacher, Nurse, Counselor, UN workers, Administrators and Diplomats
Voice: Soft and Gentle
Strengths: Dependable, Team player, Patient, Supportive and Nurturing
Weakness: Over- sensitive, Followers, Not Goal Oriented
Key Words: Team, Together, Relationship, Family
Dislikes: Pushy people, Bullies, Conflict

Examples of Yellows
Kevin Costner Mel Gibson
Grace Kelly Marilyn Monroe Walt Disney

Learn how to spot your prospect's personality within two minutes with Network Marketing Success Team

To your Network Marketing Success,

Monday, October 17, 2005

Network Marketing Success Is Similar To Success In Life

Success as it Relates to Network Marketing

Success is something everyone desires. We strive for it in our Network Marketing business. But what is SUCCESS and how does one attain it? To understand this let us examine the word and look at the characteristics of successful people. Perhaps it will enlighten us.

What is success?

Webster defines success as ‘a favorable outcome or result.’

Characteristics of successful people

Successful people have a purpose upon which they can build their dreams and goals. It is their ‘WHY.’ They have a deep belief in and conviction about their dreams. They are passionate. They don’t allow their doubts to destroy their dreams.

Successful people set goals. Goals are dreams with dates attached.

Successful people are focused. They prioritize and they separate the important from the urgent. They are able to distinguish their wants from their needs.

Successful people are persistent. They attempt and keep working until they succeed. It is not whether they make mistakes or even temporarily fail, but, rather how they respond to set backs.

Successful people are solution orientated. They spend most of their time thinking creatively of solutions rather than dwell on the difficulties of problems.

Successful people are curious and driven to keep learning. Ultimate success comes to those who train continually. School is never out for them because they are committed to learning and growing.

Successful people are balanced in all areas of their life … spiritual, physical, mental, social.

Successful people are committed to excellence. They think of ways to improve and are personally compelled to do their best today.

Successful people count their blessings and are involved in service to others.

Successful people are positive. They know what they want and with singleness of mind can positively and purposefully pursue their goal.

Are you the kind of person described above?

Do you know you can change your life for the better in an instant? You can make an immediate decision to become more aware of how you are living your life. You have a God-given power to choose life of self-improvement.

Success in Network Marketing is a journey. It is not a short stroll. Think of success not as a mountain to climb but as a high plateau to walk on. It is how you stand and talk, laugh and listen along the way. Integrity is the essence of your being. You continually challenge yourself with excellence and productivity, and daily pledge to improve yourself and others.

What’s passing in front of you is life’s moving parade

How driven are you with your purpose and goals? Are you obsessed with your deepest desire? Are you motivated enough to persistently search for success? Then you have a huge WHY.
Start today. Take one step at a time. Knowing your reason for wanting success, developing your “WHY” or purpose is the first step. Your WHY will inspire you to remain focused and move you into action. Without a WHY there is no hope.

To your Success in Life and in Network Marketing

"Mentoring with a Servant's Heart"

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