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Monday, November 21, 2005

Communication Skills in Network Marketing

Good communication skills helps build relationships which is essential to Network Marketing.

Free MLM ebook
How well do you communicate?

Communications experts tell us that only 10% of our communications is represented by what we say, 30% is represented by our sounds and 60% by our body language.

Communication is about our body language and facial expressions, how well we listen, respecting the opinion of others and knowing when to stop talking to let others speak.

What does it mean to really listen?

Real listening is an active process that involves hearing, understanding and judging.
A good listener is not just a silent receptacle but is also one who is passively receiving the thoughts and feelings of others.

Did you know that thoughts move about four times as fast as your speech? To listen effectively requires that you maintain a considerable amount of self-control and concentration. This is special important for our Blue friends who want to tell us all their thoughts at once and in no particular order. Bless their hearts.

How often do you have to ask someone to repeat him or herself because you could not remember a point they had made earlier in the conversation?

Was there noise and verbal clutter in your mind?

Good listening requires the temporary suspension of all unrelated thoughts. In order to become an effective listener, you have to learn to manage what goes on in your own mind. Give your full attention on the person who is speaking. Make sure your mind is focused. Let the person finish before you begin to talk. Listen not only to the words but to the speakers tone and feelings.

Let’s say you are talking to a prospect and your prospect tells you "I'm just not interested." What do you say? I have heard some Network Marketers respond to people’s objection with what they call a ‘million dollar comeback’. It sounds something like this, “If I could show you a way to ….. would you be interested?” Are they really listening to what the prospect is saying? When someone says NO they mean NO. Everyone has a right to their own opinion and decision.

Instead communicate with no agenda. Don’t try to get them in your deal. Listen to understand their needs. Real listening will help you identify if they want help. They may not want help!

Want to know what a No sounds like?

Let’s say you are promoting health products. You are in conversation with a person who is complaining about health issues. Ask them, "have you ever considered doing something about it?" A No might sound like this:
“Well, I’m under Doctor’s care …”
“If I take this product and get better, I won’t have anything to complain about. My husband won’t love me and my kids won’t talk to me anymore.”

Your prospect has just told you they are not interested. Your prospect may need your product but they do not want it. Let them be. Do you want to become the pushy-aggressive sale person everyone run from? Save yourself from rejection. Be polite and courteous.

It has been said, people don’t care how much you know until they see how much you care.
Real listening involves caring for people. Listening is a precious gift. It builds friendships and ensures understanding. Having real listening skills is extremely valuable and often determines your level of success in n Network Marketing.

Other network marketing tips written by Monica
Network Marketing and Fear
Network Marketing is similar to success in life
Network Marketing Success as a Leader
Network Marketing and the Phlegamatic
Facing Giants in Network Marketing

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Network Marketing and Fear

Network Marketing and Fear

Image what your life would look like when you have broken the bondage of fear!

Fear is one of our basic emotions. It’s an unpleasant feeling of perceived risk or danger, real or imagined. Fear also can be described as a feeling of extreme dislike. Fear of public speaking is common. Let us now talk about how you feel giving a presentation in front potential business partners or product users.

Do you fear something awful, terrible, or publicly humiliating will happen? They almost never occur and even when they do, you can often use it to your advantage. Using humor can be very useful and it is well appreciated by many.

Does your audience expect perfection?

No. They want you to succeed. If you get nervous when you stand up to speak in front of a group ask your audience forgiveness. Be real and honest. Be yourself. Connect with your audience by sharing your own human mistakes and stories.

What if someone disapproves of you are or disagrees what you are saying. It’s Okay. Everyone has a right to their own opinions, judgments and values. You do not have control of their beliefs. You cannot please everyone.

What is the audience looking for?

All they want is two or three key points that will make a difference to them. They want to know how this information will benefit them. Prepared your thoughts and material, arrange for audio-visual aids as necessary and be responsible for the laid out of the room.

So remember, give your audience something of value. When you are talking to people, imagine handing out $100 bills worth of information to them. A few individuals in the group may reject the gift and many will be forever grateful. Speak with the purpose in mind to give or contribute rather than get. Tell them what you are going to tell them and then tell them. Lastly summarize by telling them what you told them. Always remember synopsis, substance and summary. You cannot control the behavior of your audience but you change your own attitude.

All the best in Network Marketing Success
503 351-6859 anytime

Other network marketing tips written by Monica
Network Marketing is similar to success in life
Network Marketing Success as a leader
Network Marketing and the Phlegamatic
Facing Giants in Network Marketing

Thursday, November 10, 2005

What is leadership as it relates to Network Marketing?

Leadership is a process by which a leader influences people to convert their purpose or dream (their why) into reality with and through their cooperation that they would not have accomplished on their own. Leaders carry out this process by applying their leadership attributes, such as beliefs, values, ethics, character, knowledge and skills. A network marketing leader touches people before they can ever change their life. They touch them emotionally, and in the heart. A leader has a servant’s heart and is there to help take people to a whole new level.

What does a Leader look like?

Leaders show an air of simple elegance and refinement in attitude and form. They appear physically, emotionally and spiritually strong, yet they seem to have even greater strength in reserve. They are poised, coordinated and balanced. Their command is effortless, assured and confident. They are calm and alert. They look and feel good. They keep their heads up, shoulders back and eyes forward. They breathe deeply filling their belly with air slowly and more fully with each breath. Their muscles are relaxed and most physical movements are loose, light, fluid, agile and flexible. They speak with a soft voice in a thoughtful manner, rarely interrupt and are brief and to the point. There is power in their voice and words. They walk with a purpose yet are not rushed. They have a firm handshake. Their eyes are friendly, their demeanor is respectful and their smile begins in their mind. They exhibit both style and class.

Who can become a leader?

Good leaders are made not born. If you have the desire and willpower, you can become an effective leader. Good leaders develop through a never ending process of self-study, education, training, and experience. Leaders are not people with exceptional talent; they are people who have learned from their mistakes and get up and try again. A leader works hard. Leaders do not grow in a comfort zone.

How to become a Network Marketing leader that will ensure your success?

*Leaders are readers.
Read quality books, books that motivate and inspire you. Set aside at least 15 minutes daily for quiet time. Think of it as a gift you give yourself.

*Know yourself and seek self-improvement.
Address your limitations. Losers make promises but leaders make it happen.

* Learn effective communication skills.
Speak with and not at people. Learn to use people’s names. Be an active listener. Look at the person who is talking. Do not interrupt or fidget. Be aware of their body language. Sometimes just be silent. Think twice and speak once.

* Ask questions and observe.
Questions are stepping-stones to self-improvement. Remember, the only meaningless question is the one not asked.

*Study people.
Learn their different personalities, listen for their hot spots. Observe how others express themselves.

*Learn from past experience.
View mistakes as opportunities to grow.

*Join a Mastermind group.

*Learn marketing skills.

* Develop secretary skills, stay organized

* Manage your time wisely

* Become an expert in your field.

Leaders will express themselves in the following ways

Leaders will be honorable, honesty, competent, candid, consistent, straightforward, loyal, determined, calm, trustworthy, non-judgmental, respectful and ethical. They will have integrity, courage, imagination, endurance, strength of will, self-confidence, compassion and a sense of direction. They will keep their promises and fulfill their commitments. Their words will match their deeds. They will not be self-righteous.

*Leaders know their people and look out for their well-being. They will truly love them.

*Leaders speak with purpose in a clear and precise manner. They believe in their own words. The humor they incorporate adds interest to their speeches. They create interest with word pictures that have power and purpose.

*Leaders build bridges of tolerance and understanding. They attack the argument and not the person. Long term relationships are almost always more important than short-term problems. They are active peacemakers.

*Leaders make everyone feel important. They treat all people with deference. One may react to them rudely, selfishly and with malice but leaders will remain courteous.

* Leaders make an unwavering decision to go to the top.

*Leaders help others identify and develop their strengths. They will be quick to praise and slow to criticize.

*Leaders seek new experiences and adventures. They are open to new ideas for a seemingly small idea is often the nidus of a bigger reality.

*Leaders are persistent, they are willing to stand alone and are prepared to confront resistance. They take reasonability for themselves. They bounce back from disappointments and adapt to change.

* Leaders step forward when most others gladly step back. Why? Because they know that courage grows with action. Fear is learned and must be unlearned. Without fear, there can be no courage. Fear provides the opportunity to grow.

*Leaders are problem solvers. They face the difficulties and deal with them by making wise decisions.

*Leaders give books as presents. A good book is one of the greatest gifts to inspire someone.

When do you want to become a leader?

You can start now.

If Passion (your Why) is the secret weapon to Success
Leadership is the secret weapon to Network Marketing

Do you have dreams and desires? Network Marketing Success Team is here to help you accomplish your dreams. There is hope and a real chance to make your dreams come true.

Click on the link for no cost e-book that will start you on your journey to Network Marketing Success.

All the Best,
503.351-6859 anytime

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Overcoming Obstacles in Network Marketing

Overcoming Obstacles in Network Marketing

Are you facing giants?

Giants have many faces and are unique to you.

They may be a lack of resources. You may not have the finances, connections, training or opportunities you need.

It may be an opposing individual, perhaps a significant other that actively works against you. It’s not easy to stand up against those we love and care about.

It may be intimidating circumstance. This is a situation that is beyond your control. For an example, you think you are too young or too old. Perhaps you stutter.

It may be that you out of your comfort zone. You have never done Network Marketing before. This is new adventure which requires different skills than your other occupation.

Perhaps you are encountering a series of unexpected trails, delays or setbacks and disappointment has set in.

The biggest obstacle of all is unbelief. Unbelief is much more dangerous to you than any other giant. The struggle is with yourself … your own self- talk and your own set of beliefs.

Why do we have to face giants?

Giants are there as primary growing opportunities. The experience may be painful but it’s the result of the experience that counts. The experience has happened for an important reason: to reshape you from the inside out… think of it as training for Greatness. It is an invaluable season of preparation. Don’t buy into the lie ‘it’s too hard’ or ‘it takes too long’ or ‘it’s not possible’.

Do you know the single best way to develop into a leader is to take yourself out of your safety environment and away from the people you know and place yourself in a new area such as Network Marketing? If you feel you are in way over your head, have demanding challenges , tons of pressure and face risk of failure or loss… than the more likely you will emerge a dynamic leader. Be encouraged, for every problem there is a solution, for every window that closes a door will open. Take courage … even when you feel afraid.

So Fellow Network Marketer, is there a giant rising up in front of you right now? Mr. Mrs. or Miss Warrior, isn’t it time to fight back? Reach for your destination now with all your heart. Make your crossing for a wonderful future is waiting.

WE at Network Marketing Success Team are dedicated to bring you skills, training, mentoring and encouragement to ensure the fulfillment of your dreams.

To your success
503.351-6859 anytime

Click here for a good laugh

Other network marketing tips written by Monica
Network Marketing is similar to success in life
Network Marketing Success as a leader
Network Marketing and the Phlegamatic