Network Marketing Presentation

MLM ebook full of tips
How do you present your Network Marketing business to a prospect?
Does it take you 45 minutes to complete the presentation? Do you find you need to close them and overcome objections? Are you successful? Does your new affiliate stay in the business or do you have to close them every month? Are you UNcomfortable with this approach? If so, read on.
Guess what?
Your prospect ONLY wants 3 questions answered.
1) How much can I earn?
2) What business are you in?
3) What do I need to do to earn it?
Let’s say you are having lunch with a prospect. They complain how expensive things are or how they wish they could own that shinny new SUV parked outside the café widow.
You say, "I just found out how to get an extra paycheck every month that could pay for the monthly car payments. If you would ever like to know how, I would be glad to tell you, meanwhile pass the chips."
If they are interested they would say something like. "Oh really, what’s that all about?"
Here’s what you can say.
‘I can tell you but it will take a whole minute. When can you set aside a entire minute?’
Everyone will usually say “Right now, please”
You say, "If you would like to earn $500 a month extra, there are three things you must do.
1. Don’t change. Be yourself. Continue to promote and recommend the things you like as you are already doing, such as the movies, restaurants and music and other products you enjoy. That's pretty easy, right?
2. I’m in the wellness industry. You know how people take Vitamins and have 8 or 9 different bottles they have to open. We have the entire Vitamins needed for the day packaged together. People who take them experience more energy.
3. In order for you to earn $500 per month all you have to do is find 12 good users that want to enhance their health just like you.’
How to close
Simply say...... "So what do you think? Now it’s up to you.’"
Let your prospect know they already do Network Marketing everyday! They already recommend and promote what they like. It’s human nature. They will be thinking, ‘hum I’m already Network Marketing. I can either pick up a check or continue doing it for free’.
Keep the presentation simple. In fact, avoid a lot of details. It can confuse your prospect out of making a decision. If your prospect is interested he will ask for more. Remember, you are not responsible for their decision.
To your Network Marketing Success,
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