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Saturday, November 18, 2006

Network Marketing Training | My blog has moved

For additional information on Network Marketing Training go to Network Marketing Success Blog.

See you there!

the MLM Nurse

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Network Marketing Tip - Finding the Right Opportunity

Finding the right Network Marketing Company is like slipping into a perfectly fitting boot. It will feel comfortable and provide the support you need to take the necessary steps to success Like the song says, ‘those boots will take you walking'. One of those days those boots will take you walking down the highway to big, big success.

Imagine stepping into an ill-fitted boot. From the outside, the boot looks beautiful. But as your foot slides into the boot your toes squeeze against the ridgit leather wall as if they were in prison. It does not take much for your sensitive heel to form a blister. Each step causes distress. Although the boot is beautiful, it is not a match for you. It goes against the natural shape of your living soul.

So an ill-suited Network marketing company will cause pain and frustration. You will be fighting an up hill battle. Instead of building your business, your will be tending to your wounds. You will ask yourself “What is wrong with me? Why can’t I do this business?”

6 Key Points in Finding a Network Marketing Company

  • Company integrity. There is a simple way to evaluate a Network Marketing company’s integrity. They will tell you! That’s right, it’s written in their Policies and Procedures. Read them before you sign. Make sure it is poison free. This is a contract, please understand the rules so that this company will not terminate you and steal your check. Does the P&P protect the distributor or the company? Watch out for the terms like ongoing training, ongoing recruiting, ongoing selling. Rod Cook, the MLM watch dog will tell you never join any company that has more than 30 pages of polices and procedures.
    • Company management experience. The leaders of your company must have true Network Marketing experience. Is the leader a suit or have they built a downline? Healthy companies understand what it takes to be successful from the bottom up. They have been in the trenches and understand what the distributor goes through.

    • Compensation plan. There are a number of reasons why Network Marketers join different companies before they find the right fit. One reason is Network Marketers fail to understand that the structure of the compensation plan drives the behavior in the field. For an example, a choleric personality does best in a stair step breakaway plan. This plan promotes selling and recruiting, something that is very natural for a choleric to do. Your personality needs to match the type of compenstion plan for true success. The compensation plan has to be one where average part time people can make money. Look for a company the pays on volume and allows you to go wide and deep without breakage.

    • System for success. A step by step action plan that average people can follow is vital. An updated system of success includes up line support, training communication skills, teaching team support and implementing duplication. The process involves self improvement, personal growth, positive thinking and self talk.

    • Products.. The company needs to have more than one product. The products must be remarkable and stand out from the crowd. It must be reasonable priced and must be sold retail to friends and family. It must be consumable so that folks can reorder.

    • Timing in the industry. It's important to look at the company's timing in the industry and your timing with that company.

    When a person finds the right fitted company and they use updated skills, success will be theirs. Research and educate yourself about this business. There is wealth in education and knowledge is powerful.

    The 5 Pillars of Success Report covers the details you need to know.

    Need personal coaching in choosing a company? Go to mlm nurse, type in your question in the comment box. I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

    Download your free e-book full of Network Marketing tips

    Is your MLM sick? The MLM nurse will help you build your Network Marketing business. Free training to anyone in any company. MLMnurse

    Other network marketing tips written by Monica

    Prospecting Effectively for Network Marketing Success

    New Year Resolutions for Network Marketing

    Tips on Understanding thePower of Network Marketing

    Belief System in Network Marketing

    My Experience with Paid MLM Training

    Network Marketing and Self Talk

    Network Marketing is Not a Numbers Game

    30 sec tool for Network Marketing

    Network Marketing Presentation

    Communication Skills in Network Marketing

    Network Marketing and Fear

    Network Marketing is similar to success in life

    Network Marketing as a Leader

    Network Marketing and the Phlegmatic

    Facing Giants in Network Marketing

    Sunday, January 29, 2006

    Prospecting Effectively for Network Marketing Success

    Finding prospects who have the same philosophy of life, similar vision and desires as you can increase your effectiveness for Network Marketing Success. The secret in prospecting is not in convincing people, but in sorting people. You can save a lot of time by qualifying your prospects. And by being selective you can eliminate heartaches and frustration.

    First let's take a look at what qualities a prospect must have to be a Network Marketer. Intelligence? A MBA degree from Harvard University? An outstanding salesperson? How about a person with a positive attitude? NO.

    Your prospect really only needs two important qualities. Desire and Time Commitment.

    Desire: Please do not confuse desire with need. Your prospect may need an extra paycheck, time freedom or a better quality of life. But unless they desire to get out and do something about it you will be spending endless hours reprogram needy people. People who have a desire to change their lives will be looking for ways to improve themselves and their lifestyle.

    Time Commitment: Everyone is given 24 hour each day. What you are looking for in prospecting is someone who will set aside x amount of time every week to work the Network Marketing business. Perhaps this means your prospect will have to eliminate watching their favorite television show or sports game in order to build their business. It is a commitment but they will reap the rewards later.

    So now that we know the qualities of the right prospect, it's easy to find out if they qualify by asking them two questions.

    'Do you want to earn some extra money?'


    'Are you willing to set aside 6-10 hours( or what ever it takes) per week?'

    Then just listen to their answers to determine if they qualify.
    The quality of your business reflects the quality of your questions asked. The magic is not in the question but in their answer. Pay close attention to what your prospect says and how your prospect says it. It will give you clues if your prospect has the desire and is willing to make a time commitment. Prospecting is about them not you. It is when the prospect is looking for what you have to offer that they become a prospect.

    Learning what to look for in a business partner can increase your Network Marketing success. Building a team of people who have a desire and have made a commitment to spend x amount of time building their business will strength your team. This way you do not have to keep building your down line over and over and over again.

    Download your free e-book full of Network Marketing tips

    Is your MLM sick? The MLM nurse will help you build your Network Marketing business. Free training to anyone in any company. MLMnurse

    Other network marketing tips written by Monica

    New Year Resolutions for Network Marketing

    Tips on Understanding thePower of Network Marketing

    Belief System in Network Marketing

    My Experience with Paid MLM Training

    Network Marketing and Self Talk

    Network Marketing is Not a Numbers Game

    30 sec tool for Network Marketing

    Network Marketing Presentation

    Communication Skills in Network Marketing

    Network Marketing and Fear

    Network Marketing is similar to success in life

    Network Marketing as a Leader

    Network Marketing and the Phlegmatic

    Facing Giants in Network Marketing

    Friday, January 27, 2006

    New Year Resolutions for Network Marketing

    Where did the year go and what did you accomplished in your Network Marketing Business?

    It is 2006. A new year is beginning. Network Marketers can use this time to reflect on the past, evaluate the present and plan for the future.

    It can be a chance to evaluate where you are, and where you want to be in the year ahead.

    Many Network Marketers set goals for the coming year.

    I would like to suggest before you write down your goals for 2006, ask yourself ‘do I have an “I can” attitude?’

    Your attitude can be your best friend or your worse enemy.

    An “I Can” attitude is powerful and invigorating. Starting today, if you want to change where you are, change your attitude.

    Begin by changing what you think and what you say. You can choose to leave behind the old ugly feelings or any thing else you do not want in your life. You can choose to change and replace those feeling with new up lifting ones like patience and confidence.

    An “I Can” attitude can be the difference between the person who accomplishes and the person that does not.

    The other choice you have is to continue to do what you have always done. But remember you will continue to get what you always gotten.

    So to change your rewards in life, you must have an “I can” attitude.

    After all, when it is all said and done, it is really up to you. The only change that really matters is a change of heart.

    Life is precious so enjoy it every step of the way.

    A toast to your Network Marketing Success,


    Is your MLM sick? The MLM nurse will help you build your Network Marketing business. Free training to anyone in any company. MLMnurse

    Other network marketing tips written by Monica

    Tips on Understanding thePower of Network Marketing

    Belief System in Network Marketing

    My Experience with Paid MLM Training

    Network Marketing and Self Talk

    Network Marketing is Not a Numbers Game

    30 sec tool for Network Marketing

    Network Marketing Presentation

    Communication Skills in Network Marketing

    Network Marketing and Fear

    Network Marketing is similar to success in life

    Network Marketing as a Leader

    Network Marketing and the Phlegmatic

    Facing Giants in Network Marketing

    Monday, January 23, 2006

    Understanding the Power of Network Marketing

    Once people understand what Network Marketing business plan can offer, they get excited. These folks usually are looking for a better future, an opportunity, time freedom and financial success.

    Why is Network Marketing so powerful?

    The wealthiest people in the world and Network Marketers know the secret to creating true wealth. They have been focusing on it for hundreds of years. They understanding the difference between linear and recurring income.

    Recurring income is when you do the work just once and you get paid over and over again. An example would be rock stars, best-selling authors, inventors, actors, commercial real estate developers and Network Marketers. They do the job once and get paid over and over again. They build something that will keep churning out the income, whether they are managing it or not.

    Linear income is when you trade time for money. Most people have been trained to work for someone else. They work for wages. When they stop working, their paycheck stops. Linear income only continues as long as you contine to work.

    The best way to find out if you have recurring income is to ask yourself, 'while I'm sleeping tonight, will I be making money?'

    Given a choice, which would you rather do: work hard and get paid only once or work hard once and get paid continuously?

    Network Marketing is a way to create recurring income.

    What's your plan for the future?

    A good job and a secure retirement are a myth in today's world. Most people say they can live off of $5,000 a month of income. Yet saddly, they lack a plan for retirement.

    Let's say you have $1.6 million in the bank today. It would mean you would earn $5,300 of interest(at 4%) every month. Or let's say you could save $400,000 every year for 5 years. Then you could earn $5,300 of interest per month.

    Is this an option for you?

    What does it take to be a movie star, best-selling author or songwriter? There are experts in the field to guide you if that is want you want.

    What does it takes to do Network Marketing? Will it be easy? Do you need a lot of money or education?

    Network Marketing is not a quick easy scheme to riches. It is work. But if you have a burning desire, if you have strong work ethics and if you are coachable you can have the life of your dreams.

    Diving into a recorring income opportunity can be costly and painful. But knowing how this business works can save you lots of money and frustation.

    Get educated!

    Download the free e-book Network Marketing Success.

    To your success,


    Is your MLM sick? The MLM nurse will help you build your Network Marketing business. Free training to anyone in any company. MLMnurse

    Other network marketing tips written by Monica

    Belief System in Network Marketing

    My Experience with Paid MLM Training

    Network Marketing and Self Talk

    Network Marketing is Not a Numbers Game

    30 sec tool for Network Marketing

    Network Marketing Presentation

    Communication Skills in Network Marketing

    Network Marketing and Fear

    Network Marketing is similar to success in life

    Network Marketing as a Leader

    Network Marketing and the Phlegmatic

    Facing Giants in Network Marketing

    Sunday, January 22, 2006

    Belief System in Network Marketing

    Are your thoughts stopping you from having success in Network Marketing?

    Thoughts are made up of our belief system. We choose and form judgments based on beliefs we have collected over the years. We have attitudes, ideas and opinions of ourselves and others. We have been conditioned to think and act a certain way.

    All our life experiences have led us to believe certain things. Whether these things are true or not, to our brain it really does not matter. If we accept the idea as truth than for us it is truth.

    The challenge is to dig in your heels and ask yourself ‘what do you believe and why?’

    Pick yourself apart. Is it truth? Question your belief system.

    For instance, perhaps as a child you where told you will amount to nothing. Believing someone else’s opinion can jeopardize your success in life.

    On the other hand, right thinking is based on truth. The truth is God did not make junk. You are an important person. Accepting this truth will put you on the right path and you will literally act out the new you.

    Our success and struggle in life depends on how we think. Life begins in our mind and with our thought patterns. Believing in the truth will indeed set one free.

    Believing the truth means not blaming someone or something outside of ourselves. It means accepting oneself in a new way.

    What and how we think is so important in the Network Marketing business. Having a correct thought process is the beginning formula for big success.

    The starting point of making permanent changes in your belief system begins with asking yourself what you believe and why you believe what you do. Take a good look at your own belief system.

    Being on a mental cleanse will help you go beyond positive or negaitive thinking to right thinking.

    It's all about choices. You can make choices and change your wrong thinking to right thinking. And when your deepest inner belief is correct your mind will filter out information. Then your mind can take the ideas and turn them into real results.

    Interested in starting the proccess? Feel free to contact me anytime.

    To your success,


    Is your MLM sick? The MLM nurse will help you build your Network Marketing business. Free training to anyone in any company. MLMnurse

    Other network marketing tips written by Monica

    My Experience with Paid MLM Training

    Network Marketing and Self Talk

    Network Marketing is Not a Numbers Game

    30 sec tool for Network Marketing

    Network Marketing Presentation

    Communication Skills in Network Marketing

    Network Marketing and Fear

    Network Marketing is similar to success in life

    Network Marketing as a Leader

    Network Marketing and the Phlegmatic

    Facing Giants in Network Marketing

    Sunday, December 25, 2005

    Want Network Marketing Success? Tell Stories!

    Network Marketing Success e-book

    Want Network Marketing Success? Tell Stories!

    Everyone loves a good story. Stories can teach us about some aspect of life. A compelling story about Network Marketing can not only engage a prospect but also can clarify concepts that otherwise would be too sensitive. Stories are a safe way to talk about wants, fears and desires.

    Stories Create Curiosity

    Using stories to create curiosity with a prospect will keep them on the edge of their chair. The right story can speak directly to their heart. Keeping the interest of the prospect tied to you, allows them to share their thoughts. For an example, let’s say you would like to share the idea of time-freedom with a prospect. You could start off by sharing your dream, ‘Well, one of my dreams was to wake up in the morning without an alarm clock. I know that a lot of people hate to wake up to an alarm clock, and every morning I used to wake up to an alarm clock. I'd roll over and hit the snooze button just for an extra 10 minutes of sleep. Then I’d get up and turn it off. And now, I still get up early sometimes, but I don't use an alarm clock. Instead, my eyes just open up! That's the way to wake up, when your eyes just pop open. And I don't know what some of your dreams are?’ I’ve shared my story with them and now I’m asking about their dreams.

    Facts Tell but Stories Sell

    You have heard that ‘facts tell but stories sell.’ Stories help convince and ground those facts. That’s why testimonials work.

    Stories are Shortcuts that Speak to our Emotions

    We are wired to respond to stories. A lot of times we can relate to a character or the subject in the story. Stories can be used to get a point a cross without being confrontational. For an example, let’s say you would like to explain the law of cause and effect and how sometimes this can produce a result that causes a bigger problem. You could talk about the old cartoon with Porky Pig having trouble sleeping because of a squeak and informs the Bell Man, Daffy Duck to do something about the noise. Daffy goes out and gets a cat to chase the source of the squeak, a mouse, out of the room and receives a tip. The cat then starts to meow. Porky complains. Daffy gets a dog to chase the cat away and receives a tip. The dog then begins to bark. Porky complains. Daffy gets a lion to scare away the dog away and receives a tip. The lion begins to roar. Porky complains. Daffy gets an elephant to chase the lion away and receives a tip. The elephant begins to trumpet. Porky complains. Daffy gets a mouse to frighten the elephant away. And now Porky has the squeak from the mouse.

    Everyone has a Story. What’s Yours?

    Think about your own dream and how you can use it to tell a story. Regardless of who you are, everyone wants equality, freedom, worth and love. Network Marketing is about creating new possibilities for people’s lives.

    Network Marketing involves building relationships with people. It’s about partnering with others to help them realize their dream. Stories can help paint pictures and spread those ideas. People remember stories. Maybe the only thing you will recall from this article will be the story of Porky Pig and Daffy Duck!

    May your Network Marketing experience include telling stories. And may your warm smile light someone's heart. Have FUN!!


    Get your own Free Network Marketing Success E-book

    Other network marketing tips written by Monica

    Network Marketing and Self Talk

    Network Marketing is Not a Numbers Game

    30 sec tool for Network Marketing

    Network Marketing Presentation

    Communication Skills in Network Marketing

    Network Marketing and Fear

    Network Marketing is similar to success in life

    Network Marketing as a Leader

    Network Marketing and the Phlegmatic

    Facing Giants in Network Marketing