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Sunday, December 25, 2005

Want Network Marketing Success? Tell Stories!

Network Marketing Success e-book

Want Network Marketing Success? Tell Stories!

Everyone loves a good story. Stories can teach us about some aspect of life. A compelling story about Network Marketing can not only engage a prospect but also can clarify concepts that otherwise would be too sensitive. Stories are a safe way to talk about wants, fears and desires.

Stories Create Curiosity

Using stories to create curiosity with a prospect will keep them on the edge of their chair. The right story can speak directly to their heart. Keeping the interest of the prospect tied to you, allows them to share their thoughts. For an example, let’s say you would like to share the idea of time-freedom with a prospect. You could start off by sharing your dream, ‘Well, one of my dreams was to wake up in the morning without an alarm clock. I know that a lot of people hate to wake up to an alarm clock, and every morning I used to wake up to an alarm clock. I'd roll over and hit the snooze button just for an extra 10 minutes of sleep. Then I’d get up and turn it off. And now, I still get up early sometimes, but I don't use an alarm clock. Instead, my eyes just open up! That's the way to wake up, when your eyes just pop open. And I don't know what some of your dreams are?’ I’ve shared my story with them and now I’m asking about their dreams.

Facts Tell but Stories Sell

You have heard that ‘facts tell but stories sell.’ Stories help convince and ground those facts. That’s why testimonials work.

Stories are Shortcuts that Speak to our Emotions

We are wired to respond to stories. A lot of times we can relate to a character or the subject in the story. Stories can be used to get a point a cross without being confrontational. For an example, let’s say you would like to explain the law of cause and effect and how sometimes this can produce a result that causes a bigger problem. You could talk about the old cartoon with Porky Pig having trouble sleeping because of a squeak and informs the Bell Man, Daffy Duck to do something about the noise. Daffy goes out and gets a cat to chase the source of the squeak, a mouse, out of the room and receives a tip. The cat then starts to meow. Porky complains. Daffy gets a dog to chase the cat away and receives a tip. The dog then begins to bark. Porky complains. Daffy gets a lion to scare away the dog away and receives a tip. The lion begins to roar. Porky complains. Daffy gets an elephant to chase the lion away and receives a tip. The elephant begins to trumpet. Porky complains. Daffy gets a mouse to frighten the elephant away. And now Porky has the squeak from the mouse.

Everyone has a Story. What’s Yours?

Think about your own dream and how you can use it to tell a story. Regardless of who you are, everyone wants equality, freedom, worth and love. Network Marketing is about creating new possibilities for people’s lives.

Network Marketing involves building relationships with people. It’s about partnering with others to help them realize their dream. Stories can help paint pictures and spread those ideas. People remember stories. Maybe the only thing you will recall from this article will be the story of Porky Pig and Daffy Duck!

May your Network Marketing experience include telling stories. And may your warm smile light someone's heart. Have FUN!!


Get your own Free Network Marketing Success E-book

Other network marketing tips written by Monica

Network Marketing and Self Talk

Network Marketing is Not a Numbers Game

30 sec tool for Network Marketing

Network Marketing Presentation

Communication Skills in Network Marketing

Network Marketing and Fear

Network Marketing is similar to success in life

Network Marketing as a Leader

Network Marketing and the Phlegmatic

Facing Giants in Network Marketing

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Network Marketing and Self Talk

Network Marketing and Self Talk

Network Marketing Success E-book

Self-Talk in Network Marketing is a powerful tool you can use to go from where you are now to where you want to be.

What do you tell yourself everyday?

Having negative thoughts can stop you from living your dream. Being negative can drain a great deal of your energy. Imagine that you had an 'invisible friend' that went around with you all day, every day, and was constantly whispering negative comments in your ear! How would you feel by the end of the day? What kind of friend would he be?

As human beings we record thoughts and emotions. Every emotional thought leaves a recording in our brain. What is so interesting is, we do not record what is happening but rather what we think is happening.

It takes a mass of thoughts to develop our self-image. Other people can influence how we feel about ourselves but it does not become part of who we are until we accept it as our own belief.

What is your opinion of yourself?

Every statement you make to yourself has an effect on your mind, so be careful what you say. Words are powerful. If you choose, you can change the opinion of yourself. You can use self-talk and create the new image you desire.

So what is it that you want?

If you cannot describe it, you cannot get it.

Start by knowing where you want to go and begin to talk to yourself about it. In your mind, paint a picture of what you want. Use all of your senses… see, hear, feel, taste and touch it. Does it evoke an emotional response?

Pay attention to what you think. You do not have to react to negative thoughts your mind may presents to you. You may do what you have always done or choose to do something different. Take note: it takes about twenty positive statements about oneself to counter-act even one personal negative statement.

As you move toward your painted picture, keep your mind on what you want and not on what you do not want. Going though a mental cleanse will be beneficial. This means turn off the television, radio and stop listening to the news for a while. Instead spend time with an inspiring book daily, such as the Bible. It is filled with many wonderful promises and it is a wise teacher. One favorite verse of mine is 'commit our ways to the Lord, trusting in Him and He will bring it to pass.' We are not totally self-sufficient. Without God, we can do nothing.

Snapping out of negativity

Creating a mental picture, self-talk, that evokes emotion will produce a mighty conviction and that belief is a powerful force. When your feelings are positive and productive, actions will follow. The way you manage yourself in what you choose to think will determine the success in your life.

Tapping into inspiration and determination coupled with skills will aid you to achieve your desire in life. And clearing your mind of negativity will start you on the road to your dream.

Your mind can only hold one thought at a time, so make it a quality thought.

God bless.

To your Network Marketing Success

the MLM Nurse

Other network marketing tips written by Monica

Network Marketing is Not a Numbers Game

30 sec tool for Network Marketing

Network Marketing Presentation

Communication Skills in Network Marketing

Network Marketing and Fear

Network Marketing is similar to success in life

Network Marketing as a Leader

Network Marketing and the Phlegmatic

Facing Giants in Network Marketing

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Network Marketing is Not a Numbers Game

MLM ebook full of tips
Network Marketing is not a numbers game

They tell you not to worry. Just go through the numbers, buy more leads. Just keep recruiting.
It’s all about the numbers. Talk to everyone about your business opportunity. Get them in on your deal.

Let me ask you to look at your family. What number is your husband or wife? What number are your children? What number is your Mother? Are they not people? How would you like to treat them, like a person of or as a number? People are persons. A prospect is a human being and has dreams just like you. They have feelings and have experienced life you cannot imagine!

Some Network Marketers will say just go out there and get 100 no’s. The more no’s you get the closer you are to a yes. Why they say for every 99 no’s you are bound to get one yes. Let me ask you if one no hurts, why do you want to experience 99 more? And by the way, what kind of energy do you think you produce when you receive no, positive or negative? Rejection hurts.

The scheme behind the numbers game is as follows. The Network Marketer gets a prospect on the sizzle call and starts putting pressure on them. The Network Marketer will say ‘which credit card do you want to put it on?’ or ‘you have to make a decision today’ or ‘this deal is only good for today.’ That’s when the prospect speaks in code. They will say something like ‘I have to think it over’ or ‘I have to talk with my spouse.’ What the prospect is really saying ‘I don’t want your deal. Get out of my face.’ Then the prospect hides from the Network Marketer and refuse to return their calls. All the while they are thinking, “They never wanted to know me before, and now all of a sudden they want to be my best friend."

Network Marketing is a relationship business

Network Marketing is not a sales business. Statistics show 92% of the population hate pushy aggressive salespeople! People join people. They do not join companies. People do not care if the president of your company drives a Mercedes or how many children they have. Instead Network Marketing is a teaching and mentoring business. Our product is people. So study people. Build people. People will build the business. When you build people, your retention rate goes through the roof.

A Network Marketer who sponsors a person will know their WHY, their dreams, their goals, spouse’s name or children’s names. A keen network marketer will take the time to see what is important to their sponsor and what they want to change and improve in their life. Making their dream a priority in your initial conversation will surprise you at their response to your interest in helping them achieve their Dreams.

Therefore help people, build a relationship with them, care about them, protect their best interests and desire a conversation of quality with them. Be a servant with a mentor’s heart.

To your Network Marketing Success,

the MLM Nurse

Other network marketing tips written by Monica

Communication Skills in Network Marketing

30 sec tool for Network Marketing

Network Marketing Presentation

Network Marketing and the Phlegmatic

Network Marketing and Fear

Network Marketing Success as a Leader

Network Marketing Success

Saturday, December 03, 2005

30 sec tool for Network Marketing

E-book full of tips

When someone asks you what you do for a living, what do you say? Do you stumbling to find the right words? An ideal response, a 30-second commercial, when used correctly can be a wonderful tool for Network Marketers.

What is a 30 second commercial?

The 30-second commercial is a concise, carefully planned, and well-practiced description about your product or service that an eleven year old child can understand. It is not a sales pitch. It flows smoothly and easily from your lips to your prospects ears.

How to develop a 30 sec commercial?

1. To start your elevator speech, have a clear cut objective in your mind. To find your objective ask the question ‘what do I want to achieve?’

2. Get to know your listener. Know as many facts as possible about your prospect. What are their likes and dislikes? Use the color technology to identify their personality.

3. Get to know what your prospect is going to want from you. Put yourself in their shoes and become the prospect. Think like your prospect. Make a list of what you would want to hear. When composing your speech keep in mind people are always more interested in how you can help them. Think in terms of benefits.

4. Ask yourself, what is the one thing above all others that will give me a favorable reaction? It should be easy, simple and un complicated. It should cover the heart of the matter and be something you can comfortable build a case around.

5. Create curiosity. What is the most unusual part of your subject? Now reduce it to a sentence. Is it catchy? Is it attractive? Does it cause people to remember you? Is it compelling?

6. Add humor but be careful you do not offend someone. The best humor is often based on your own personal experience.

7. Decide if the 30 sec commercial is better served as a statement or a question. Which captivates the most attention?

8. Be friendly, warm, confident and project passion. A smile is often the best way to show friendliness and enthusiasm, while a strong, firm voice the best way to express confidence.

Besides knowing the 5 pillars of a Network Marketing company and understanding the color technology, having an effective 30 sec commercial is worth its weight in gold. An intriguing 30 second commercial will engage the listener, prompt him or her to ask questions, and keep the conversation going. You will become a walking, talking, attracting machine.

To your Network Marketing Success,


Other network marketing tips written by Monica

Network Marketing Presentation

Network Marketing and the Phlegmatic

Overcoming Obstacles in Network Marketing

Network Marketing Success as a Leader

Network Marketing and Fear

Communication Skills in Network Marketing

Network Marketing is similar to success in life

Network Marketing Presentation

MLM ebook full of tips
How do you present your Network Marketing business to a prospect?

Does it take you 45 minutes to complete the presentation? Do you find you need to close them and overcome objections? Are you successful? Does your new affiliate stay in the business or do you have to close them every month? Are you UNcomfortable with this approach? If so, read on.

Guess what?

Your prospect ONLY wants 3 questions answered.

1) How much can I earn?
2) What business are you in?
3) What do I need to do to earn it?

Let’s say you are having lunch with a prospect. They complain how expensive things are or how they wish they could own that shinny new SUV parked outside the café widow.

You say, "I just found out how to get an extra paycheck every month that could pay for the monthly car payments. If you would ever like to know how, I would be glad to tell you, meanwhile pass the chips."

If they are interested they would say something like. "Oh really, what’s that all about?"

Here’s what you can say.

‘I can tell you but it will take a whole minute. When can you set aside a entire minute?’

Everyone will usually say “Right now, please”

You say, "If you would like to earn $500 a month extra, there are three things you must do.

1. Don’t change. Be yourself. Continue to promote and recommend the things you like as you are already doing, such as the movies, restaurants and music and other products you enjoy. That's pretty easy, right?

2. I’m in the wellness industry. You know how people take Vitamins and have 8 or 9 different bottles they have to open. We have the entire Vitamins needed for the day packaged together. People who take them experience more energy.

3. In order for you to earn $500 per month all you have to do is find 12 good users that want to enhance their health just like you.’

How to close

Simply say...... "So what do you think? Now it’s up to you.’"


Let your prospect know they already do Network Marketing everyday! They already recommend and promote what they like. It’s human nature. They will be thinking,hum I’m already Network Marketing. I can either pick up a check or continue doing it for free’.

Keep the presentation simple. In fact, avoid a lot of details. It can confuse your prospect out of making a decision. If your prospect is interested he will ask for more. Remember, you are not responsible for their decision.

To your Network Marketing Success,


Other network marketing tips written by Monica
Network Marketing and Fear

Network Marketing is similar to success in life

Network Marketing Success as a Leader

Network Marketing and the Phlegamatic

30 sec tool for Network Marketing

Communication Skills in Network Marketing

Network Marketing and the Phlegmatic